This week I've been a collaging crazy girl. I made some funky supply cases and they turned out really well!
The collage work was inspired by all of the collages I've been making in the Paint Paper Paste E-Workshop. The mediums for these cases are so flexible but stiff, and just so yummmmmy to me.
They are two sided, free stitched all over, then sewn into cases...pouches...whatever you want to call them. I'm going with "cases"!
Had to add extra special ribbons for closures, too. From my secret stash. Those ribbons were just begging to be used...
This one is a bit smaller. It's still big enough to hold pencils, paint brushes, art journaling tools, make up, photos...etc.
This one is more colorful. It's a bit smaller, too. Great for pens, markers, crayons...etc.
I wish you could feel the texture of these cases! They are from paper, but are so stiff. And they are easy to wipe clean, with a damp cloth.
Here's all of them.
Just added them to the website here. SOLD OUT (I'm making more!)
Have a great weekend!
LOVE! Do you sell them????? Want. So. Much. Want.
Posted by: Lori Anderson | June 03, 2011 at 04:00 PM
OH! Just found the link to buy! Doh.
Posted by: Lori Anderson | June 03, 2011 at 04:03 PM
What a super idea, you smart girl you. I really need to get back into my studio don't i? :)
Hope you and yours are doing well!
Posted by: Rebecca Sower | June 03, 2011 at 05:45 PM
Nice way of packaging up your creative supplies and tools
Posted by: Pearl Maple | June 04, 2011 at 04:41 AM
Thanks so much Rebecca!! Hope your Summer is off to a great start! xoxo
Posted by: Teresa McFayden | June 04, 2011 at 10:08 AM
Hi Lori, Glad you found the cases on the website, thanks for ordering one...good choice, I think you will like it! I'll get it right out to you. Enjoy your day!
Posted by: Teresa McFayden | June 04, 2011 at 10:09 AM
Thanks, Pearl, yes I agree!! I've been enjoying mine. Enjoy your day!
Posted by: Teresa McFayden | June 04, 2011 at 10:09 AM