So I've been prettying up my new Moleskin calendar with some washi tapes. Before I go into that though, let me back up and say I'm so bummed that Andrews McMeel doesn't do the gorgeous Greg Johnson Day calendars anymore. They were so beautiful. I've used them for 3-4 years now, so making the switch wasn't easy.
I know people are ga-ga over Moleskin journals, so thought I'd give one a try.
This is a weekly calendar. I like that the right side is blank, so I can make my own lists and fill in all my stuff to do that week. Good size, approx. 5x7ish. The paper is a bit thin, but it will be fine for a regular calendar. The tapes I'm using are thin too, so it's a good match.
A few Washi tapes on my desk:
The ones on the left aren't washi tapes, they are more like masking tape and are from 7 Gypsies. The two on top in the center stack are adorable and sadly I don't know where I got them. The two printed ones in the right stack are tissue tapes by Tim Holtz. Num. The solid and thin striped ones are washi tapes are mostly from Etsy. Pretty Tape is a good source for them.
Anyhoo, as you can see there is lots of partying going on around here this week. Fun fun fun!!
I was at the Hallmark store this week and even found their version of decorative tape.
It's wider than the others, but it will be fun to use as gift wrap embellies!! Cute!
P.S. Thank you so much for the prayers and well wishes for my Step Dad. He is still in the hospital, but he seems to be getting better and stronger every day. He is still not "out of the woods" yet, but we keep praying for a strong recovery! My Mom said he is running his business from his hospital him!
Thanks for all you share with us... your blog is among my favorites... Happy 2011 to you and yours... I can't wait to see what you bring us in the new year...
Posted by: Jane Bradley | December 28, 2010 at 06:46 PM
Looks like you are sprucing up your moleskin calendar just fine. Love all the tapes.
Good to hear your step dad is doing better
Have a wonderful 2011
Posted by: Alison Gibbs | December 28, 2010 at 06:56 PM
I have been using moleskin for a few years ~ like it for the same reason ~ the blank page. Love your little tapes, like the way they spruce things up!
Happy New Year!
Posted by: Heidi | December 28, 2010 at 07:20 PM
Don't you hate when your tried & true calendar is no longer produced? I used to use one by Cambridge -- days on the left, empty space for lists on the right. I miss it. I will have to look into the moleskin, it looks like it might work for me. I love all the colored tape you use, great idea.
Happy New Year,
Posted by: Rose Brier Studio | December 28, 2010 at 08:42 PM
Great idea! I have some of the Tim Holtz tape- the ones like you've pictured and three other rolls. Can't wait to get started on a fresh new calendar!
Aren't clean slates wonderful?
XO, Cheryl
Posted by: Whosyergurl | December 28, 2010 at 08:47 PM
I agree! I was SO disappointed to find they weren't being printed anymore--nothing comes close as a replacement. Some decisions just DO NOT make any sense.
I too am left to make my own.
Posted by: JudiW | December 29, 2010 at 12:49 AM
Love all the tapes.. I would love to get a big stash of my own one day! Love love your calendar!
Posted by: bonnierose | December 30, 2010 at 08:08 AM
I'm hooked on washi tape -- and I love the 7gypsies sticky tapes too.
Hope your Papa is doing much better and goes home soon.
Posted by: Colette Copeland | December 30, 2010 at 03:45 PM
Me too!! I've been buying the Day Books since they came out and was looking for one everywhere this season. After much internet searching, I found this and thought I would share with you and your readers.
"As the designer of these calendars, I wanted to post a few comments of my own.
First & foremost, many thanks to all the great folks that have purchased the calendars for the past 4 years. The calendars have been a wonderful project; very rewarding and fun!
There have been a few unfavorable comments posted here concerning changes to this year's product; those comments have been noted and I have to agree.
Those in control of the final product did make changes that had a detrimental effect to the quality of this year's calendars (squared rather than rounded corners, ribbon colors a bit "off", less lines per page).
Next year my partner & I will be self-publishing the calendars and our aim is to take back full control of the end product and insure top-notch quality cover to cover. Please look for our calendars next year, we will be publishing under the name River House Dry Goods- we hope you'll be very pleased. Thanks again for your support and kind words. Gj"
Hope this helps!
Posted by: Beth | January 03, 2011 at 05:49 PM
Hi Beth, that's sooo good to know! I'll keep a watch out for their exciting! Thanks!
Posted by: Teresa McFayden | January 03, 2011 at 06:57 PM
Yep, I am a SUPER BIG fan of the McMeel daybooks and have purchased them every year. I was in a panic as to what to do. I looked and looked, unable to find just what I wanted, so you know what I did? I am using an extra 2007 copy that I purchased to alter and have just modified the day of the week. I checked on Amazon and found out all the info on the calendars, so I knew they would not be published, but I am keeping my fingers crossed that they will have one out next year, or I will have to fork over the bucks for a perpetual calendar they make and sell at a place called Nell Hill. Love what you have done with the Moleskin!
Posted by: Barbara | January 04, 2011 at 09:56 AM
Yummy! I love it all.
Posted by: Sheila | January 20, 2011 at 10:42 PM