Hey, that's my new favorite word. Okay so, there are some things rattling around in my head that I thought were high time to post about.
For one, The Winter Bella E-Zine ends soon. Wow. That seems like this month went by so quickly! There are 2 projects next week and then it's over. Awww, man! But lots and lots of fantastical projects were made and it felt so great to be creative and have so much to show for it!
People have been emailing with a few questions. The most popular question being "Will you please do another E-Zine?" Truthfully I've been having so much with this and I still have many ideas for projects that I will be doing another one soon! Stay tuned for the details on the next E-Zine.
Another common question is "How long will The Winter Bella E-Zine be accessible?" Answer: Through mid February. People are still signing up for it and they deserve lots of "access time", so it'll be up for a couple more weeks. Plus I like looking at it, too!
And then onto that Kit I've been working on. Well, things are coming together nicely on the mini batch of Kits. Really nicely! I'm kicking myself now for not ordering more supplies. I'm flipping over it! I hope you will, too. I'll have more details on that early next week or as soon as I get all the ducks in a row. I can't even wait to show it.
And lastly, today is a special day. Today is Phoebe's Birthday. Happy Birthday Phoebe way over there in Washington state!! Your family is some kinda wonderful as they asked me to wish you a Happy Birthday! Hope your day is extra special! Check your mailbox soon...for a lil birthday sumpin' parenthetically from me. :)
**Edit: The darling necklace in photo was purchased from LuLu Sparkles Etsy shoppe. Love her and her work!
Yeah!!! i love the e zines. my january slump is over!!
have a great weekend!
Posted by: jessi nagy | January 25, 2008 at 07:23 AM
Hi Teresa!
I have made several attempts to look up the word, your word, "parenthetically" but the on-line dictionary will not go thru! I think you have jammed it with your faithful friends!! hehehe
I am going to find out what it means and if it has anything to do with parenting! Like I have the time, but I am hoping this leads to something funny.. I live for funny things based on real life.
LOVE your necklace project!!! Hugs,
Posted by: Mary | January 25, 2008 at 10:05 AM
Hi, I am back and here it is:
parenthetical The Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English ... parenthetical / parnetikl / • adj. of, relating to, or inserted as a parenthesis: ignore the parenthetical remarks that pockmark every page. DERIVATIVES: parenthetic / -etik / adj. parenthetically adv. ...
I think I should find the word that means "ignore all of mary's exclamation marks! sShe uses them too freely!!!
Posted by: Mary | January 25, 2008 at 10:09 AM
What a Sweet necklace! Where did you find such a gem? 7'o clock is such a nice time too! ;)
Posted by: Mary M | January 25, 2008 at 12:12 PM
Yikes , this is me who knew !! lol (parentheses pockmarks alllll my e-mails )-- (Hafta Splain' you know - like Lucy )( LOL ) ( hub of 42 yrs says that his info as per
"THEY " you know who you are ??-
"They "- say that women speak 30, 000 words a day and men only 10,000 - but he says some lady is walking around mute because i --"Stole " some of her words ( now is that nice ??) lol ( i say i stayed married to him because he makes me laugh so -- he is quick and funny ) (oops see can't get one sentence out without splanin ')-
Really Teresa you have made my day !!
Guess all that posting I did about it got on that last nerve ,and you gave in to the arm twisting (sorry, ouch !)
OK have a great weekend -- Really you have become so dear , I cannot let a day go by without checking in on you . What a delight the ZINES ' have been , have to see all the daily postings and still creating here( little slow and such a busy life ) -- Kathy - GA .
Posted by: kathy lowry | January 25, 2008 at 12:26 PM
So I could actually sign up for the last couple of Winter Zine projects? Also, if I sign up for the next Zine thing am I obligated to do every project? I have a bit of a problem with commitment.
I had to LOL at Mary wondering if parenthetical had anything to do with parenting!!! That's hilarious!
Posted by: donnalayton | January 25, 2008 at 01:33 PM
Where did you find that great necklace, I love it! Can you give us a link?? Thanks!
Posted by: Christie | January 25, 2008 at 02:18 PM
What does that word mean? I'm lost!!
Posted by: Sue Mannel | January 25, 2008 at 04:06 PM
oh happy day! thanks for posting a pic of your LuLu jewels Teresa ~kiss kiss
Posted by: lulu sparkles | January 25, 2008 at 06:59 PM
ok was checking in today ---
LOve the new Banner -- and the new bling -- what a rock lol
Posted by: kathy lowry | January 26, 2008 at 06:47 PM
Love that necklace! Such a cool look...have to go check out the site for sure!
Posted by: carol | January 27, 2008 at 06:39 PM
I love lulu sparkles... one of the sweetest on Etsy. Lovely necklace. Love the blue.
Posted by: Brooke | January 28, 2008 at 03:26 PM
I just stumbled across your blog, you know how you go from one to another, to another and so on and so on... my husband says 'just like your conversations!' Ha! Wait, this is probably a good example of that =S I digress! I wanted to say, I love the word 'parenthetically'! Perhaps because I speak that way? =) The only thing I dislike is how awkward it seems when I'm reading out loud and come to a parenthetical phrase...it sounds awkward to inject 'parenthetical phrase' before reading said phrase. Do you find that to be true? Perhaps it really doesn't matter, that's likely the case!
Just wanted to share in your fav! ;-)
Posted by: Jessica | January 30, 2008 at 10:48 AM