Last weekend, for a brief moment....Allie smiled again. Becky and I have been talking about a photo shoot with Allie for months and months. We saw a brief window of time and gave it a try.
What a great time the 3 of us had shooting these! It was a hustle bustle-ish Saturday downtown and people were everywhere. Allie was very shy about the photos but we caught her smiling a few times. Becky is so full of talent in photography and it was juch a joy seeing two of my fav. gals working together!
It's amazing to me to see how much Allie's changing. When you see someone all the time, you don't often notice. But photos certainly show you. She's so toned and trim and the baby face's just gone. There were several great photos that we all liked. It's going to be so hard to pick which ones to get!!
In other news, let's see....I have started wading through my studio. Holy moly. I haven't wanted to even go in that room for a while now because of the mess. But working on it!! Could even be some huge giveaways in this blog's future!
I have also been working on updating the Paper Bella website. Had to get the beloved Bellaween Kits off of there! There will be changes happenning on the site over the next few days. I'll send a newsletter when it's all updated. I am adding some spiffy provisions to the site as well. So excited about them!
So, the next few days will be all about cleaning up the studio and cleaning up the website. I have so many additions to make and am really looking forward to it!
Oh, lastly, did you see that Sally is having a Trunk Show November 20? Oh be still my silver soldered heart. She even has tools and solder supplies now! I have most of that already but if a tall blonde Mr. McSanta happens to be reading this...well...the jewelry in the trunk show should be fab-u-lust and would fit nicely in my Christmas stocking!!
Grandmas...there are a couple more photos here:
I love her photos!
very pretty girl
just like her momma :)
Posted by: Vee | November 13, 2006 at 06:58 AM
Allie is SO stunning! You should be very proud.
Posted by: Kristin | November 13, 2006 at 08:01 AM
She is so beautiful! Inside as well as outside...chip off the ol' blocks....
Posted by: Jill | November 13, 2006 at 09:15 AM
She needs to model T & J Run parents & Ali run! Good money doing local modeling! I recommend Nancy B. school of modeling. Sara ALMOST did it, but alas to short, but Ali, you have the total "package" young lady! =)
T, call me please! =)
Posted by: Holly | November 13, 2006 at 09:39 AM
...and then they go to college and get a little older and become the most wonderful beautiful women inside and out that they take your breath away and you get to do fun things with them like Silver Bella! Keep looking for and celebrating the smile.
Posted by: Mary Beth Hunt | November 13, 2006 at 03:31 PM
What stunning photos, is that Allie's new "allie" bracelet I see in some of the pics??! :-) How funny you mention Sally Jean since my very FIRST SJ order arrived just TODAY!!!! I can't see what she has to offer in her trunk show....oh my!
Posted by: Jana | November 13, 2006 at 07:06 PM
Great photos!! So sorry I couldn't make it to Silver Bella. It really sounds like you gals had a Blast!! Will you be doing it again next year?
Posted by: Kristal | November 13, 2006 at 07:19 PM
(Just like her mama!)
Posted by: Kimberly Kwan | November 13, 2006 at 08:12 PM
i had so much fun doing these! i could have kept shooting all day...she is so easy to photograph and fun to hang out with :)
Posted by: becky | November 13, 2006 at 09:10 PM
I see my old place of business there in the background of the last one! :D
Posted by: miss megan | November 13, 2006 at 10:41 PM
your daughter is so beautiful and nice. I really liked meeting her at silver bella. tell her to go to dana!! :D she has a friend there already.
Posted by: miss megan | November 13, 2006 at 10:42 PM