Well, that's the last of it! The Paper Bella shipments are out dee door. Whew. Busy busy week getting them all ready and they are finished. This month was a doozy....record numbers of orders! Thank you everyone who ordered and thank you also for your patience during that Thanksgiving break.
This time, I upgraded my shipping methods a bit and am so glad I did. When you get your happy boxes, take a glance at the spiffy label on the box, won't you?! Oh, yeah, it's getting real "uptown" around here. :)
Anyhoot, I am so glad to have this behind me as I have so many other neglected tasks and projects looming and can now focus on them. And I can't help but notice that tomorrow we must turn the page to a new month. The big daddy of all months. DECEMBER. Hush my mouth! You know, the month that sends all womin into a fit of exhaustion....all in the name of Jesus' Birthday. I really don't think He intended it to be that way. You guys know me, I'm as guilty as everyone else in trying to make it the bestest and mostest of Christmas' every year. It seems to be really on my mind this go round though. Not sure what to do about it quite yet. Still pondering that.
And in other news, you must know what today is...why it's Saint Andrew Day. You know, the first apostle that followed Jesus. Well, lucky us....because we just happen to have an Andrew in the house.
And when you are named after a Saint, you hafta get special things on that Saint's day. You just do. So hot chocolate it is. With monstrous marshmellows. You go buddy.
It's Drake's big play tonight and tomorrow night. I have been so nervous all day for him and the cast and crew. They are performing The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
He attends a magnet school for Arts so folks expect great work. His drama teacher is amazing and I can't wait to see how it goes!
I hope I can take pictures!!! One way or another....I'm taking pictures and they are just gonna hafta deal. So is Drake. He'll just die seeing his Momma looming around snapping photos. Oh well....too bad for him!
One more thing...Sabrina Ward Harrison has some amazing stuff to share: The Link...wow. The photography. Her (often imitated but no one can truly capture) style. Her limited edition book...yup...wow. The True Living Project.
Take it from me, an old drama mom.
Take photos then, if the director will LET you.
Also, I got my package BEFORE I got the announcement that the package was on it's way.
Way cool!
Posted by: Mary Beth | November 30, 2006 at 08:04 PM
love to read your posts! yep, that's a good suggestion...dress rehearsal! hope it all goes well tonight. and happy saint's day to your andrew. we have one too, he would be so surprised with such lavish treatment! wondering what i missed in that bright and shiny shipping box...hmmmm, will have to investigate. tagbook post is going up over my way...i'm wondering if i should continue. we'll see.
Posted by: charlotte | December 01, 2006 at 09:17 AM
I had not had the pleasure of viewing Sabrina's work and I wanted to thank you for the link. I love the beautiful moments she has captured and her graciousness to share...
Posted by: Tanya Nichols | December 02, 2006 at 01:12 PM
I love how you mentioned St Andrew's day - i thought only Greeks celebrated
My husband is an Andrew and its a big day for us too!
Posted by: Anastasia | December 04, 2006 at 06:14 PM